Cheeks and lips- clean girl makeup or creative full on for this season of autumn?
How would you define this routine
Lips and cheeks
Describe the different steps of your routine
Autumn is coming! Maybe it’s a time to put some burgundy on lips and bronze shimmer on cheeks! Keep is latte -cosy but simple in the same time. Or perhaps that’s the season for everyone to go crazy with creative looks. Any thoughts?
My routine everyday before I out from my house to made me confident ❤️❤️❤️
Describe the different steps of your routine
First at all I used primer. Next step is concealer under my eyes to cover the dark area. And next step is put blush cream on my cheek and blend them. Next step is put some powder into my skin. Next step will using eyelash curler -> mascara -> eyeliner. I did everything just 10 mins . 😘
My routine is simple yet effective. I aim to create a neutral and clean look for any job or event I have.
How would you define this routine
Everyday work look 🔥
Describe the different steps of your routine
My everyday look is clean, elegant and neutral to any job I have.
1) Starting with skin, I am aiming for soft finish and natural looking skin. The foundation and concealer combo is a must. I set it with powder. 2) Next contour and blush. Lately I also discovered the lip balm which compliments the blush very well and feels great on the lips. 3) I use dark shade to create a darker eyelash line for both top and bottom lid. Next mascara and brows. Sometimes simpler is better 🫶🏽 you can add some shimmer here and there or change lip shade to get more glam look too. Easy to change if you happen to have an event later that day.