/ this isn't NARS but i would like to make a comment on this
New to NARS
this isn't NARS but i would like to make a comment on this
this isn't NARS but i would like to make a comment on this growing up i was always bullied and picked on because i was different physically and mentally i suffered with anxitey and depression a lot i tried lots of clothes in a ray of colours and i didn't feel comfortable apart from the goth which is the picture below it don't matter wheather you are fat, thin, have mental, or physical issues goths accept a person as they are. this to me makes me comfortable this is to helps me to express how im feeling and what works for me i am accepted in what i look like and what i dress like and it don't have to a certain brand of make up you can use different brands of make up to be anything to make yourself look and feel better.